Tuesday, 29 July 2014

What are Early Pregnancy Symptoms??

The most suspicious moment of a women’s life is when she is not sure whether she is pregnant or not. This is generally seen when a women misses her menstrual periods. This is high most point when she becomes suspicious as missing menstrual cycle is one of the Early Pregnancy Symptoms.    
  Early Pregnancy Symptoms

There are many more early symptoms in pregnancy but one needs to remember that not all the symbols are experienced by each and every women out there in this world. This depends upon body to body and one needs to take a proper check on each and every changes happening in the body. Abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding cannot be considered as an early pregnancy symptoms as these symptoms comes in picture after six to eight weeks of pregnancy or we can say after six to eight weeks when a women conceives.
The swelling of breast and tenderness or pain can be easily associated with early pregnancy symptoms. A slight weight gain at the early stages of the pregnancy is also a early symptoms of pregnancy. This weight gain is very typical as it is like one to two kg per month.
One of the most common early symptoms in pregnancy is that, one has the craving of having something to eat. It may sometimes happen that the food because of which the women is having may not be the favorite dish or their can be a chance that that dish is never eaten by the women but still she asks for it and fights with her partner to get it for her. This is what pregnancy does to women. Many people consider it as very prominent symptoms of pregnancy.
A continuous raise in the body temperatures of the body when one wakes up from sleep in the morning is one of the characteristic symbols of an early pregnancy symptoms. The other things like nausea and vomits which are popularly known as the morning sickness typically starts from the second week of the pregnancy and it may stay up to eighth week of the pregnancy.  
One of the most common early pregnancy symptoms is the mood swings of a lady. She will say you that she wants a particular thing in this span of time but after sometime she will swing from her words and asks for another thing. The husbands have to adjust accordingly and they have to move accordingly.
Fatigue is one of common symptoms of early pregnancy. Feeling very tired in pregnancy is very much normal in pregnancy. A woman can start feeling fatigued as soon as after the first week of getting conceived. So this is very common and very a early symptoms of pregnancy. A change in the skin pigmentation which for the ladies point of view is very bad is also a common early pregnancy symptoms. Frequent urination and severe headaches are some common factors which are symptoms of early pregnancy.


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