Pregnancy is a period that is
accompanied by new hopes, joys and happiness. It is the time period when many
changes take place in women’s body and prepares her to welcome new life. You
might be excited to know what happens in your body during pregnancy. It is
always exciting to know what happens in pregnancy
week by week. How your baby develops
and what all changes you experience during the progress of pregnancy. If your mind is boggling to get to know about
the procedure, then here we have solved your purpose. To find out what is going inside and outside your
body, we have provided you here week by week pregnancy guide.
First Trimester: - During the first week, your pregnancy starts and
your body start gearing up for fertilization. As the sperm meets an egg,
fertilization occurs and your baby takes form in the form of tiny cells. During the fourth week, blastocyst divides to form
the placenta and the embryo and initiates the development of baby’s body. In the forth coming weeks, the circulatory system
and hearth begins to take shape. While
increased hCG levels are enough to confirm the good news about pregnancy. When
the news about your pregnancy is confirmed, you feel sweet to think about your
baby. And as you advance towards the
sixth week, your baby starts taking shape. And as you have reached 10th
week, you actually start looking pregnant. By this time, your tummy has bulged
out, muscles have started out stretching and you will experience pains and
Second trimester: - During your second trimester, new hopes and joys
will grow in mind and you will feel more concerned about your baby. This is
known as “golden period” of your pregnancy as all the unpleasant experiences
during the first trimester will disappear. You will feel hungrier. It is extremely
important for you to get proper nutrition during pregnancy. You may also feel those little cute kicks and
arm flexing of your baby. You are also likely to experience abdominal pain,
cramps, heartburn, etc. Pregnancy week
by week is accompanied by several changes that occurs physically, mentally
and emotionally.
Third trimester: - During the third trimester, women’s body is
likely to experience many changes as baby is growing faster and she is
approaching towards her birth. You many
experience shortness of breath, sleeping problems, hemorrhoids, urinary
inconvenience etc. Many of these symptoms are associated with the increased
size of your uterus which has now expanded from 2 ounces approximately. Pregnancy week by week gives you
immense pleasure as you advances towards child birth.
Importance of nutrition and Diet during Pregnancy
When you are pregnant, your body
is likely to feel many changes. Some
changes may be pleasant for you while others may be discomforting. You will require high amounts of proteins and
calcium for the development of bones and tissues of your baby. Therefore,
consume foods rich in proteins, calcium and vitamins. It is extremely important
for you to choose right and eat right during pregnancy. Proper nutrition during pregnancy promotes growth and good health
of your baby. You may also join yoga
class for a comfortable delivery. Yoga in pregnancy can help your body to
cope up with various changes effectively and promote good child health. At the
same time, various yoga asans performed during pregnancy relaxes your muscles
and tissues and help you to have a comfortable child birth.
Being pregnant is an amazing
feeling. It completes you as a woman and
gives you new responsibilities to take care of. Eat healthy and take good care
of yourself during pregnancy for a healthy child birth.
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