When to expect that
you are expecting:
To know the early
pregnancy symptoms is important as it is good to be aware beforehand and
every symptom may not correspond to pregnancy putting off a false alarm.
Although early pregnancy symptoms are
different for every woman and every pregnancy, the most important and prominent
is a delayed or missed period. Some women know the minute they fall pregnant
but for others it’s not that obvious. The earliest symptoms can be seen in the
first few weeks after conception. Though the only way to be sure is a pregnancy
test, but we are discussing about some early
pregnancy symptoms so that you know when exactly to go for a pregnancy
Classic early
pregnancy symptoms:
SHORT BREATH: The growing fetus needs oxygen
leaving you short of it. Even though it’s an early sign but it is going to
accompany you for the whole pregnancy as baby starts to put pressure on the
lungs and the diaphragm.
SORE & TENDER BREASTS: Your breasts might
feel heavy, swollen, tender, very sensitive and even painful to touch.
Darkening of areolas and even more pronounced veins on your chest might be
exhausted as a response to the increasing hormones in your body. It is hard to
produce extra blood to carry oxygen and nutrients for the development of the
fetus. Just rest when your body needs it.
NAUSEA: Some of you might experience morning
sickness as one of the early pregnancy
symptoms which unfortunately can occur anytime in the morning, noon or
evening. Eat little and often to avoid it from getting almost bedridden with
the frequent vomiting.
BACKACHE: This happens due to softening of
supporting ligaments and disks caused by increased progesterone. You can use a
hot water bottle to get some relief.
DIZZINESS: Fainting is another symptom observed
due to low blood sugar or low blood pressure. Just stay well hydrated.
IMPLANTATION BLEED: You might think that your
period has started but the bleeding is much lighter and it happens around 6 to
12 days after ovulation.
progesterone during pregnancy makes you feel a little puffy or backed up and it
also slows down your digestive system.
CRAMPS: Mild cramps are experienced because of
all the changes your body is undergoing. These can be light twinges or bubbles
or sometimes similar to period pains.
DISCHARGE: Thin, milky white discharge called
leucorrhea is normal to have but it could be a vaginal infection if it is
coloured or smalls strange or if you feel itchy or sore.
URINATING FREQUENTLY: You may have started going
to urinate a lot more frequently as your body starts to produce extra fluids,
and thus making your bladder work overtime during pregnancy.
HEADACHES: Another one of the early pregnancy symptoms is an aching
head due to all those hormone changes caused during the pregnancy.
MOOD SWINGS: While your body tries to adjust to
the new hormones, you experience a roller coaster of emotions. Don’t worry,
they’ll pass!
repulsive to some smells and attracted or sensitive to the others which is
unusual from before is another sign to watch for.
To be sure about the good news, you will have to go for a
pregnancy test because you just can’t blow the horn just like that.
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